
I've just finished a major overhaul of our documentation about memory-related
tools. We used to have two main pages on this topic:

- https://wiki.mozilla.org/Performance:Leak_Tools

There was some overlap between the pages, the ordering was confusing, some of
the information was out-of-date, and wiki.m.o isn't the right place for this

Both of these pages now just contain a single link to
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Performance, which has a new
section "Memory profiling and leak detection tools" with links to pages for all
of our tools:

- about:memory
- areweslimyet.com
- BloatView
- Refcount tracing and balancing
- GC and CC logs
- Valgrind
- Apple tools
- TraceMalloc
- Leak Gauge

These pages contain cleaned-up content mostly from the two links mentioned
above. There is also a page on "Leak-hunting strategies and tips" which
contains a mish-mash of things from the two links that didn't fit neatly into
any of the tool-specific pages.

If you use any of these tools, please take a look at the docs and check them
for correctness. Some of the documentation is old and probably wrong,
especially in the "Leak-hunting strategies and tips". Please ask me if you have
any questions.

There's also this page, which is B2G specific:
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS/Debugging/Debugging_OOMs. I've
kept that separate for now, and it's not mentioned in the "Memory profiling and
leak detection tools" section.


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