Generally speaking, I use git for everything except pushing to inbound and try, 
and I use moz-git-tools to intermediate my interaction with hg.

> a) Landing code to inbound, fx-team, aurora, etc

For this, I keep around hg repos for the repos I care about, which is m-c and 
inbound right now, then use:
  git push-to-hg -t ../hg/inbound <patches to commit>
Then I go over to my hg repo and push using hg in the usual way.

For non-inbound branches, thanks to the awesome work of the sheriffs, I don't 
have to deal with pushing at all.

> b) Pushing to Try

For this, I do
  git push-to-try ../hg/mc -b d -p linux -u all -t none

This single command deals with everything that has to happen in the hg repo, so 
I don't need to interact with it directly.

> c) Fetching new commits
I just use git fetch for this, then manually switch over to my hg repos and 
update them, so I can be sure that when I push to try, things match up.

> d) Collaborating/sharing commits with others, especially hg<->git sharing
I just use github if I need to do this, though I haven't done it much.

I upload patches to bugzilla using
  git bz attach -e <patches to commit>

The little text file it brings up lets me do things like set reviewer flags, 
obsolete patches, etc.  I even wrote some code that tries to figure out who you 
are going to ask to review the patch, based on the r=foo stuff in the commit 
message, so it is convenient.  No hg is involved AFAIK.

> Is going through a hidden, local hg bridge seamless? Satisfactory?
> Barely tolerable? A horrible pain point? (I noticed some of the hg
> interactions in moz-git-tools aren't optimal. If these are important
> tools, please ping me off list so I can help you improve them.)

Needing the extra disk space, and having to update extra repos, is a little bit 
annoying, but not a big deal.
> Is moz-git-tools the de facto standard for Mozilla developers? Are there
> other competing tools?

FWIW, John Schoenick has been maintaining moz-git-tools, and a few others of us 
submit the occasional patch.  So it isn't as abandoned as Ehsan's message might 
make it seem. ;)

> Overall, how happy are you with your Git fetch/push workflows? Short of
> switching the canonical repositories to Git, what do you need to be more
> productive?

It is pretty good.  Having to keep around extra repos is my only real 
complaint. Pushing to try can be a little pokey, but I don't know what part of 
the process is slow, and I can just let it do its thing and come back to it 

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