On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 1:33 PM, L. David Baron <dba...@dbaron.org> wrote:
> On Monday 2015-02-02 11:27 -0800, paul.ir...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hey Mats, the use cases are not obvious to me, but I didn't follow the 
>> original www-style threads on this so I'm lacking context. (A the spec 
>> doesn't help either)
>> Can you help explain why a developer would use `display:contents`?
>> I think it'd help to have it described a bit. Thanks!
> The key use case is being able to work with CSS layout systems that
> aren't transparent to extra elements in the markup (as block and
> inline layout mostly are) without being forced to remove elements
> from the markup.  This is important with systems like flexbox and
> (particularly) grid.
> So it's not about being able to do things that you can't otherwise
> do.  All the things that are doable with display:contents could be
> done before.
> It's just about being able to do those things without deleting
> "extra" elements from the markup in order to make the tree conform
> to what the CSS layout model expects.  Since what it does is
> essentially delete an element from the tree as far as CSS is
> concerned, while leaving its children; that is, you stop displaying
> the element but still display its contents.  Put another way, it's
> half of display:none without the other half (where display:none is,
> likewise, a feature that doesn't add any capabilities not present in
> other ways).

Another instance where this becomes useful is for WebComponents.

It's easy to create a WebComponent which renders as a single row in a
table. Just make your element be styled as "display: table-row". Then
make the component's shadow content be styled as "display:

However if you want your component to render as two rows, you are out
of luck. So if you want your component to render as one row which
contains a headline, and one row that contains a data entry, then
you're stuck. Or one row that contains a group headline and a second
row which contains headlines for each table column.

But with this feature you can make your component use "display:
contents" and then make the shadow content render two rows with the
appropriate cells.

The lack of "display: contents" here doesn't just require that you
insert extra elements in the DOM. It requires dramatically changing
the API for your webcomponent.

/ Jonas
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