On 2015-04-07 8:48 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
Is the duration of this delay measured in telemetry anywhere, and do we have criteria for how much delay is acceptable in this case? If e10s were off, do we expect that this same delay would occur but would just show up as a jank switching tabs? Or is this a perf problem unique to e10s?
We've discussed adding telemetry probes to measure page painting time so we can properly gauge what the impact is of e10s vs non-e10s. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1135719 for the bug tracking page render time issues.

In terms of "acceptable" delay, the current working value is 300ms; as in, we fire off a request, wait up to 300ms, switch the tab if it's ready before 300ms, or show the spinner after 300ms and switch the tab if content isn't ready. We've made a lot of changes to this code in the last two weeks so things should be noticeably better than it was before then.

As Bill said, non-e10s would just jank if we waited a noticeable amount of time for a page to render, but I think (based on gut feeling rather than any hard data) that e10s seems to be a little slower to paint than non-e10s. I haven't been able to confirm that or reproduce it reliably though.

The spinner is also temporary right now, and we're waiting on UX to provide us with an approved spinner in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1049551. I don't know if they're ok with the one that's currently there but I wonder if the bug being marked as resolved is making them deprioritise it.
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