On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 4:26 AM, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:

> This is awesome!! I completely agree that the Google proposal is much
> too complicated for an initial take on solving transitions.
> I agree with Anne that this should be doable by adding CSS rules to a
> normal stylesheet rather than using a special linking mechanism. If
> that sounds good to you, then it would probably be worth updating the
> examples in the proposal to reflect this (don't worry about suboptimal
> names for now).
Yes, good idea - there are a few other things I'd like to amend too, but I
need to discuss with some platform people to know what's feasible and what

> I do have a few questions, but generally this looks great!
> * Is it always the right decision to have the new page render on top
> of the old one? Are there situations when you'd want, for example, the
> old page to slide away and have the new one appear underneath? You
> could for example create the effect of turning page in a book if the
> old page folds forward with the new page appearing behind it.
> One problem though would be how the old and the new page would
> negotiate which should appears on top, and which should appear on
> bottom.

Yes, I think you're right - I considered this after, and it would be good
to have a way of specifying z-ordering... Perhaps in that @viewport block
that Anne suggests?

> * Is it worth making it possible to animate the viewport in/out rather
> than just style the various elements in the page? For example if you
> want the new page to slide in from the right you have to not just
> animate the body element. You also have to animate any
> position:absolute and position:fixed elements.
> Maybe this would be best solved as an orthogonal feature which allows
> applying CSS transformations to the viewport.
An orthogonal feature for this would be nice I think. Ideally, you'd be
able to just put an animation on the html element and that's what would
happen. I think it's good to change as little as possible in this spec

> * We probably should add some form of API which allows the loading
> page to indicate when it's ready to be rendered. I.e. when the browser
> should start triggering the animate-in/out animations. This "page is
> ready to be rendered" feature has come up in several other contexts
> but seems extra important here.
This would be nice, but I think it could be an orthogonal feature again.
Perhaps a feature that lets the page itself control loading progress? I
think that'd make a lot of sense.

> * I think we should make sure that this proposal doesn't make the
> feature Google ask for impossible to add in the future. I don't think
> the current proposal does, but it might be worth explicitly saying
> that that can be added in the future, rather than to just say that
> it's impossible right now.
Which feature are you referring to here? Being able to interleave from/to
document elements? I'm open to any ideas about this, but I think being able
to do so would make implementation much harder, so I'd certainly like to
avoid it in an initial draft at least.

> All in all, this is super awesome. Please do push for it at the W3C!
> / Jonas
Thanks for the feedback, this is great :)


> On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 3:39 AM, Christopher Lord <cl...@mozilla.com>
> wrote:
> > Seems it has, sorry about that - here's a new one:
> > http://chrislord.net/?p=273&preview=1&_ppp=d17048fbc3
> >
> > I plan on publishing this (on my blog) today. The proposal and shim
> source
> > is also visible permanently in git:
> https://gitlab.com/Cwiiis/gaia-navigator
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 5:23 AM, Ting-Yu Chou <tc...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 1:02 AM, Christopher Lord <cl...@mozilla.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> down. I'm not a huge fan of all aspects of their proposal, so I've made
> >>> my own: http://chrislord.net/?p=273&preview=1&_ppp=0afe20d87f
> >>>
> >>
> >> Seems the link is outdated?
> >>
> >>
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