On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 8:42 AM, Doug Turner <do...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> This is important.  We could mitigate by requiring https, only allowing the 
> top level document access these clipboard apis, and doorhangering the API.  
> Thoughts?

A doorhanger seems like overkill here.  Making this conditional on an
"engagement gesture" seems about right.  I don't believe that we
should be worry about surfing - and interacting with - strange sites
while there is something precious on the clipboard.

"Ask forgiveness, not permission" seems about the right balance here.
If we can find a way to revoke permission for a site that abuses the
privilege, that's better.  (Adding this to about:permissions with a
default on state seems about right, which leads me to think that we
need the same for the fullscreen thing.)
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