Do you actually have any data how many % of Gecko devs would prefer not using 
I mean it makes no sense to change to foo, if most of the devs prefer aFoo.
Similarly I would stop objecting the change if majority of the devs say
"yes, please change this coding style which Mozilla has had forever[1]."
(it might mean me doing reviews a bit slower, which tends to lead fewer review 
requests, which might not be such a bad thing ;) )

Right now it feels like there are couple of devs in favor of aFoo, and couple 
of devs in favor of foo, and the rest
haven't said anything.


[1] Note, the coding style has been there for a long time, but not followed in 
all the modules for some reason.

On 07/07/2015 06:12 AM, Jeff Gilbert wrote:
I propose that we stop recommending the universal use of an 'a' prefix for
arguments to functions in C and C++. If the prefix helps with
disambiguation, that's fine. However, use of this prefix should not be
prescribed in general.

`aFoo` does not provide any additional safety that I know of.[1] As a
superfluous prefix, it adds visual noise, reducing immediate readability of
all function declarations and subsequent usage of the variables within the
function definition.

Notable works or style guides [2] which do not recommend `aFoo`: [3]
* Google
* Linux Kernel
* Bjarne Stroustrup
* Java Style (Java, non-C)
* PEP 0008 (Python, non-C)
* FreeBSD
* Unreal Engine
* Unity3D (largely C#)
* Spidermonkey
* Daala
* RR
* Rust
* Folly (from Facebook)
* C++ STL entrypoints
* IDL for web specs on W3C and WhatWG
* etc.

Notable works or style guides which *do* recommend `aFoo`:
* Mozilla (except for IDL, Java, and Python)
* ?

3rd-party projects in our tree which do not use `aFoo`:
* Cairo
* Skia
* HarfBuzz
* Chromium IPC
* everything under modules/ that isn't an nsFoo.c/cpp/h
* etc.?

3rd-party projects in our tree which *do* recommend `aFoo`:
* ?

As far as I can tell, the entire industry disagrees with us (as well as a
number of our own projects), which means we should have a good reason or
two for making our choice. No such reason is detailed in the style guide.

I propose we strike the `aFoo` recommendation from the Mozilla style guide.


[1]: Maybe it prevents accidental shadowing? No: Either this isn't allowed
by spec, or at least MSVC 2013 errors when compiling this.

[2]: I do not mean this as an endorsement of the listed works and guides,
but rather as illustration on how unusual our choice is.

[3]: I created an Etherpad into which people are welcome to gather other
works, projects, or style guides that I missed:

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