Bug 1034999 made XUL overlays ignore the hash portion of urls. Comment
12 has this note:

"See related bug 305393 where different search strings must be treated
separately. But I think different hashes is probably ok to unify."

Bug 305393 asks that overlays ignore query strings. But this was
WONTFIXed as this was working as designed.

"This is by design (perhaps unfortunately, but oh well). We use the
entire URL (include hash!) to search for overlays. To overlay the
extension manager you will need to add the type=foo to your overlay URL
(and use a separate instruction if you want to overlay the theme manager

After Bug 1034999 we don't include the hash any more so that comment is
slightly out of date.

The first question that occurs to me is what is the rationale? Can we
revisit this in 2015 to see if the original reason still holds?

It would make my life as an extension developer easier if we ignore the
query string when applying XUL overlays.

Use case 1:

This could be written as

So I would need to overlay both

How about?:
This could get out of hand very fast.

Use case 2:
about:config supports the following syntax:
Where <string> could potentially be any valid UTF-8 string.

Comment 2 in bug 305393 implies that matching on the query string allows
different overlays to be applied depending on the query string used. Is
this used anywhere at all?

Regardless I think we should be able to still support this if we extend
the chrome.manifest syntax to include a flag for overlays. e.g.

overlay foo.xul bar.xul ignorequery

or some sort of wildcard:

overlay foo.xul* bar.xul
overlay foo.xul?filter=* bar.xul


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
http://flashblock.mozdev.org/ http://xsidebar.mozdev.org
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