On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 5:03 AM, Birunthan Mohanathas
<birunt...@mohanathas.com> wrote:
> Summary: The Permissions API allows a web application to be aware of
> the status of a given permission, to know whether it is granted,
> denied or if the user will be asked whether the permission should be
> granted.

I'm not a big fan of this API.

1) It doesn't map well to what browsers do internally. Rather than
simple strings it uses some kind of convoluted dictionary design.
2) It would be better to simply expose the permission status of a
particular feature near a particular feature. If you want to know
whether geolocation is already granted you should just be able to call
navigator.geolocation.permission() or some such.
3) It seems the API is evolving in ways to also request permission
without then directly using that permission. It's not clear that is a
good idea.

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