Is there any concerns about the solution I'm proposing or should I move
forward ?

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Vivien Nicolas <>

> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 6:10 PM, Mounir Lamouri <> wrote:
>> Note that Chrome 46 has a way to work around the white screen while a
>> page load using a new property in the Manifest. If a website added to
>> the homescreen on Chrome Android has a background_color information, it
>> will be used while the page loads. After Chrome gets the first paint
>> following a non-empty layout, it will remove that plain colour and
>> switch to whatever the page has ready. It allows websites to be
>> constructed as websites and not rely on that splashscreen feature that
>> might or might not be present (given the UA and the current context) and
>> also keep the principle of quick first paint.
>> Would using a similar system (ie. background_color from the Manifest)
>> help you here?
> For what it worth, I have started to play with background_color in bug
> 1215077.
> It looks cool, and I really like it. But because of the FirefoxOS UX which
> displays an icon on top of the defined background color, it is not enough
> by itself for most apps.
> For example with the calendar app, we will end up with:
>  - Orange background with Calendar icon in the middle
>  - Orange background from the app without an icon (the app can likely add
> that but it starts to become very UA specific)
>  - App content.
> But generally it is nice and I would like to support that on FirefoxOS.
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