The FIDO Alliance has been developing standards for hardware-based
authentication of users by websites [1].  Their work is getting significant
traction, so the Mozilla Foundation has decided to join the FIDO Alliance.
Work has begun in the W3C to create open standards using FIDO as a starting
point. We are proposing to implement the FIDO U2F API in Firefox in its
current form and then track the evolving W3C standard.

Background: The FIDO Alliance has been developing a standard for
hardware-based user authentication known as “Universal Two-Factor” or U2F
[2].  This standard allows a website to verify that a user is in possession
of a specific device by having the device sign a challenge with a private
key that is held on the hardware device.  The browser’s role is mainly (1)
to route messages between the website and the token, and (2) to add the
origin of the website to the message signed by the token (so that the
signature is bound to the site).

Several major websites now support U2F for authentication, including Google
[3], Dropbox [4], and Github [5].  Axel Nennker has filed a Bugzilla bug
for U2F support in Gecko [6].  The W3C has  begun the process of forming a
“WebAuthentication” working group that will work on a standard for enhanced
authentication using FIDO as a starting point [7].

Proposed: To implement the high-level U2F API described in the FIDO JS API
specification, with support for the USB HID token interface.

Please send comments on this proposal to the list no later than Monday,
December 14, 2015.


Personally, I have some reservations about implementing this, but I still
think it’s worth doing, given the clear need for something to augment

It’s unfortunate that the initial FIDO standards were developed in a closed
group, but there is good momentum building toward making FIDO more open.  I
have some specific concerns about the U2F API itself, but they’re
relatively minor.  For example, the whole system is highly vertically
integrated, so if we want to change any part of it (e.g., to use a curve
other than P-256 for signatures), we’ll need to build a whole new API.  But
these are issues that can be addressed in the W3C process.

We will continue to work on making standards for secure authentication more
open.  In the meantime, U2F is what’s here now, and there’s demonstrated
developer interest, so it makes sense for us to work on implementing it.


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