Where is the right place to ask questions about this and file bugs? mozilla.dev.builds? I have a series of use-cases that I need to solve, and it's still very unclear to me whether taskcluster is the right solution for these, or how I'd solve them. Here are a few examples:

In order to correlate telemetry data, I need a time series of all mozilla-central nightly builds (with version and buildid). It's important that when there are multiple nightlies on a given date, that I get all of them.

Similarly for betas, I want to know all the beta+candidates so that I can mark the beta numbers properly in dashboards instead of listing only buildids. That will feed into dashboards such as http://bsmedberg.github.io/telemetry-dashboard/new-pipeline/crash-summary.html (choose "beta").

I'd also like to enhance that dashboard to construct regression range links between particular builds. How would I go from a channel+buildid (recorded in telemetry) to a revision number? Would that be for example deconstructing the buildid and putting it back into the form gecko.v2.mozilla-central.pushdate.YYYY.MM.DD/BUILDID/firefox/ and then reconstructing the "linux32-opt" path from the other telemetry data?

I'd like to recreate http://bsmedberg.github.io/firefox-regression-range-finder/ using something other than FTP scraping. How would I go from a known build/revision to the previous/next nightly/aurora/beta build?

I'm feeling a bit stupid about the actual API: how does one go from a "browse" URL such as https://tools.taskcluster.net/index/artifacts/#gecko.v2.mozilla-central.nightly.2015.11.27.latest.firefox.win64-opt/gecko.v2.mozilla-central.nightly.2015.11.27.latest.firefox.win64-opt to a machine-readable API URL? I imagine that tools like mozregression have similar needs.

Can taskcluster directly provide version number/buildid/revision of a particular nightly, would I have to fetch one of the artifacts like buildprops.json or buildbut_properties.json to get that data? Looking through buildprops, it has the buildid and revision but not the version number. If I wanted to get this data for a whole range of builds, would I have to fetch each file individually or is there a list/batch API? Are either buildprops.json or buildbut_properties.json documented/stable formats?

Right now the actual data (paths and formats) seem pretty under-documented: exploring what's there via browseing is nice but time-consuming and I'm not sure which things are supported. What are the plans to document the various paths so that they are reliable? Do you consider this a production system right now, or is this still a development system?

What are the performance characteristics of this system? Would it be acceptable to this this API from dashboards, or would that affect the system? Should we be prepared to transform the data into some other form?

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