On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Cameron Kaiser <ckai...@floodgap.com> wrote:
> This would essentially mandate, then, that Gecko can only be built on
> platforms with a Rust toolchain. That may be desirable, but it would
> probably bust some of the obscure Tier-3 platforms and it would definitely
> bust TenFourFox (we can't even get clang to be happy on 10.4 currently). Not
> that we haven't been on borrowed time for awhile; I just point it out for
> the record.

I've been wondering about this. There's a big difference between (a)
permitting Rust components (while still allowing fallback C++
equivalents) and (b) mandating Rust components.

Step (a) is close at hand but I'm not aware of any planning or
predictions for when (b) will happen. The most detail I've seen was in
an exchange I had on Hackers News [1] where I said "it feels like
something that is multiple years away" and pcwalton replied "I agree
with you on the probable time frame here."

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10522194

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