On 02/26/2016 02:42 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:

>> Look at what you need to implement to get the simplest gecko based
>> product that builds with --enable-application=my_great_app and compare
>> it to the same project as an Electron app.
> I never said that it is as easy as Electron, did I?  :-)  Ben explicitly
> said he doesn't care for Electron compat, hence my suggestion.

But your suggestion is not a reasonable alternative for people looking
at an alternative to Electron, even with no api compat.

>> It's not whether it's doable (especially not whether a gecko engineer
>> can do it) but if it's a reasonable tool for others to use. Gecko is not
>> one unfortunately.
> Who are these "others"?  If you are talking about a random person who
> wants to create a new desktop app, then yes, that solution is far from
> desirable.  If you're talking about a Mozilla engineer wanting to create
> a new product on top of Gecko that is completely separate from Firefox,
> this is the way to do it.  If you're implying that in order to satisfy
> the second use case we need to solve the first one, then I'm not sure if
> I agree.

I say that we should focus more on solving the first use case, since the
second one is ... not really a problem for a Mozilla engineer and
happens rarely. But if your point is that we should not care about 3rd
party devs that want to use gecko, I'm puzzled - that seems like major
shortsightedness coming from a 'platform' team. If I misunderstood, my

Fabrice Desré
Connected Devices
Mozilla Corporation
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