Benjamin Francis <>
2016 February 26 at 10:16
I like this idea in theory. But I want to understand how it's different
from Electron, besides simply using different underlying technology. In
other words: what makes it unique that justifies the effort?
Why does it even have to be unique? Being able to build a browser using a
browser engine seems like table stakes to me...
There's a significant difference between the minimal effort currently required to make Gecko embeddable (at a high cost per embedding) and the larger, ongoing effort that would be required to build and maintain an application development platform like Electron.

Moreover, there's an opportunity cost: time spent developing that platform would be time not spent enhancing Gecko's Web platform implementation.

Nevertheless, the more significant factor is that this would be a cultural sea change in the Gecko project. Even with engineers who were willing and able to sign up to do the work (and who would otherwise not hack on Gecko, minimizing the opportunity cost), it would still be a challenge to make Gecko-as-platform a fundamental part of the way Gecko is developed. The small matter of programming is the least of our concerns.

Which doesn't mean I think it's a bad idea. To the contrary, a successful app platform based on Gecko would indirectly benefit Gecko's Web platform goals (and Firefox) by expanding the community of contributors to the project. But an unsuccessful effort would do more harm than good.

So I still want to understand how "Gecktron" would be different, and why a developer (Mozillian or otherwise) should prefer it to Electron. Why not use Electron for your project?


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