The privacy review bug is
More details added below.

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Gijs Kruitbosch <>

> Hi,
> It's very concerning to me that you have not answered the obvious
> question: what domains are collected? All of the ones visited while the
> browser is running? The ones visited while Hello is open? The ones visited
> while shared through Hello? What about the ones that someone shared with
> you through Hello, rather than that you shared with someone else?

We only collect domains browsed whilst sharing your tabs on Firefox Hello
(link generator side).

> What about Private Browsing mode, have you disabled collection there?

Firefox Hello cannot be used with private browsing mode.

> On 04/04/2016 10:01, Romain Testard wrote:
>>     We would use a whitelist client-side to only collect domains that are
>>     part of the top 2000 domains (Alexa list of top domains). This
>> prevents
>>     personal identification based on obscure domain usage.
> Mathematically, the combination of a set of (popular) domains shared could
> still be uniquely identifying, especially as, AIUI, you will get the counts
> of each domain and in what sequence they were visited / which ones were
> visited in which session. It all depends on the number of unique users and
> the number of domains they visit / share (not clear: see above). Because
> the total number of Hello users compared with the number of Firefox users
> is quite low, this still seems somewhat concerning to me. Have you tried to
> remedy this in any way?

We are aggregating domain names, and are not storing session histories.
These are submitted at the end of the session, so exact timestamps of any
visit are not included.

The beginning of your message mentioned that you were interested in
> different "types" of sites. I don't think it would be necessary to optimize
> Hello for one shopping site over another, or for one search engine over
> another, or for one news site over another. So, why don't you categorize
> the domains in the whitelist according to broad categories ("news",
> "search", "shopping", "games", or something like this) on the client side,
> and then send that information instead? If the set of domains is limited
> (which it is) then this should not take that long, and get you exactly the
> information you want, and limit the privacy invasion that the current
> collection scheme represents.
> We looked into this approach originally although we found that we'd lose a
level of granularity that can have an importance. We may find that Hello
gets used a lot with a specific Website for a specific reason and using
client side categories would prevent us from learning this. Also Alexa
website categories are far from perfect which would add another level of
complexity to understand the collected data.

> 6 months also seems incredibly long. You should be able to aggregate the
> data and keep that ("60% of users share on sites of type X") and throw away
> the raw data much sooner than that.
Yes agreed, we'll look into what's the most optimal amount of time required
to process the data and extract the useful information. I agree we should
try to make this shorter - we'll learn from being on Beta and will adjust
this accordingly.

> Finally, I am surprised that you're sharing this 2 weeks before we're
> releasing Firefox 46. Hasn't this been tested and verified on Nightly
> and/or other channels? Why was no privacy update made at/before that time?

We are shipping Hello through Go Faster. The Go Faster process allows us to
uplift directly to Beta 46 directly since we're a system add-on
(development was done about 2 weeks ago).
Firefox Hello has its own privacy notice (details here

> ~ Gijs
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