On 4/15/16 11:37 PM, Chris Peterson wrote:
On 4/15/16 7:47 AM, Tantek Çelik wrote:
What steps can we take in this direction WITHOUT breaking web compat?

Would this feature actually break web compatibility? Or just needlessly
annoy users?

I think this is one of the fuzzy browser UX/sec/perf issues that is often perceived as webcompat (cf. scrolling perf for parallax sites, servers using RC4 in TLS, etc.).

Developers see it works well in Browser A, doesn't work in Browser B -> "Best Used in Browser B".

Or users just hop over to Browser A because it's a PITA to deal with, assuming Browser B is buggy.

(That said, I wouldn't be surprised if some top site out there falls over on a second visit w/o a cookie it was expecting.)

Mike Taylor
Web Compat, Mozilla
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