On Friday 2016-10-21 15:01 -0700, Tantek Çelik wrote:
> Support revised charter, with requested changes:
> * Hyperlink the phrase "Community Group" in the charter to the
> specific Community Group they mean, and perhaps title the hyperlink
> more specifically as well.
> * List the Community Group explicitly in the coordination section
> http://www.w3.org/2011/audio/charter/audio-2016.html#coordination and
> describe the relationship between the WG and the CG.

So the only community group mention I can see in the charter is to
say that work that is out of scope for the working group could
instead occur in a community group (which I think means a
hypothetical community group).  If that's the case, I don't think
the second comment makes sense since the intent is that the material
be out of scope for the working group.  It could be clearer that the
community group is hypothetical, though.

I'm inclined to submit the comment as:
> One basically-editorial suggestion:
> Either:
> * Hyperlink the phrase "Community Group" in the charter to the
> specific Community Group intended, and perhaps title the hyperlink
> more specifically as well.
> * Or, if no such community group exists, make it clearer that it's
> a hypothetical community group.

(and record it as a support-with-optional-changes).


𝄞   L. David Baron                         http://dbaron.org/   𝄂
𝄢   Mozilla                          https://www.mozilla.org/   𝄂
             Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
             What I was walling in or walling out,
             And to whom I was like to give offense.
               - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

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