On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 9:28 AM, Michael Froman <mfro...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Any thoughts?  Further info:
> mfroman-23602:moz-central mfroman$ which rustc
> /Users/mfroman/.cargo/bin/rustc
> mfroman-23602:moz-central mfroman$ rustc --version
> error: no default toolchain configured

Very mysterious. This error message usually means rustup's redirect to
the actual toolchain (in /Users/mfroman/.multirust/toolchains) is
confused. I've seen it when the executable filename has a prefix, for

Make sure there's a toolchain installed under ~/.multirust, then maybe
try `rustup update` and see what that says.

If that doesn't work, try `rustup default stable`.

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