On 17/02/17 23:18, gsquel...@mozilla.com wrote:
Hi again Nick,

Someone made me realize that I didn't fully read your message, sorry for that.

I now see that as well as &&/||, you have grepped for other operators, and 
shown that the overwhelming usage is to put all of them at the end of lines!

In light of this, and from what others here&elsewhere have discussed, I'm now thinking 
that we probably should indeed just update our coding style with whatever is used the most 
out there, and model our "Official Formatter" on it.

Another thought, if technically possible:
If our main repository is going to always be under the control of some official 
clang-format style, it should be possible for anybody to pull the repository, 
and use a different formatter locally with their favorite style. And when 
pushing, their modified code could be automatically reformatted with the 
official formatter -- Everybody feels good when programming! :-)

What worries me here, is that I'm yet to read a compelling argument on the *why* people were doing things a particular way (with the exception of David Major who provided a logical explanation for it).

That you've done something out of habits for the last XX years is no argument. Neither a "liking" for a form over another.

How things have been is also no enticing argument, as if we were to base our future use on what currently exists (like the grep command provided did), then I vote for absolute free coding style left to the developer wishes. After all it certainly feels that way. There's not a single directory in our code tree that has a consistent coding style. Braces, position of the return type vary wildly across the code.

Regardless, we need to make a decision. Little of the most commonly seen style in our tree is reflected in the coding style wiki page. So either we decide that we amend the official coding style to reflect what's already there, tweak the coding style so there's no more ambiguities (like the distinction between the || and && operators and all the others), or modify the code to comply with those rules.

I'll just re-iterate that operators be placed at the end of a logical expression can't be reasonably and logically argued for. But maybe I've been using a RPN calculators for too long.

I do hope that we end up with a single rule for all, because the current state of things is terrible.

My $0.02

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