Rodolpho Porto <>
2017 February 20 at 02:38
Hello guys,

I do not know if this serious or the right group to do this ask, but I will try here rss

Xulrunner no longer has updates, where do I find information or documentation from a substitute for it?
Hi Rodolpho,

There isn't currently an exact substitute for XULRunner. The closest alternative is to use a Firefox installation to run a XULRunner app by invoking the Firefox executable with the --app command-line flag and a path to the XULRunner app's application.ini file:

path/to/firefox --app path/to/application.ini

I've also been experimenting with alternative Gecko-based runtimes for desktop apps, including Positron <>, which is designed to be Electron-compatible, and a more minimal runtime that provides existing Mozilla APIs along with tools for running/packaging apps.

However, both of those projects are still in an experimental phase of development, so they aren't necessarily suitable for general use.

I am currently researching information about Gecko and Firefox to set up an embeddable browser to replace what I did with Xulrunner, but I find little information, can anyone give me a light on this?
Can you describe your embeddable browser project in more detail? I'd like to learn more about how you're thinking of using Gecko, and I may also be able to give better advice once I understand your use case better.


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