This is awesome! As an engineer who has to work with C++ until we advance Rust 
bindings, I always feel terrible when my reviewers spend their precious time 
identifying simple C++ errors in my code.

Seeing the advancements in static analysis for C++, rustfmt and eslint for JS, 
I'm wondering if there's a place to collect a less strict "best practices" 
analysis - more similar to rust's clippy than fmt.

In Intl/L10n land, we have a bunch of recommendations that are very hard to 
enforce since they spread between JS, C++ and soon Rust regarding language 
selection, manipulation, testing of intl output etc.
I'm wondering if there's a place to get those kind of "automated feedback" 
A few examples of what I have on my mind:

 - We'd like people to not use "general.useragent.locale" to manipulate app 
locale anymore, but rather use 
 - We'd like to make sure people don't write unit tests that test particular 
output out of Intl APIs (that makes our tests locked to only work in one 
language and break every time we update our datasets - that's a big no-no in 
the intl world)
 - We'd like to discourage people from altering app locales, and rather test 
against updated required locales.
 - Soon we'll want to recommend using DOMLoclaization.jsm/Localization.jsm API 
over StringBundle/DTD.

Those things can be encoded as regexps, but they span across programming 
languages (XUL, XHTML, HTML, XBL, DTD, JS, C++).

Is there any mozilla-clippy project being planned? :)

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