On 18/10/17 10:35, Christoph Kerschbaumer wrote:

On Oct 18, 2017, at 11:25 AM, James Graham <ja...@hoppipolla.co.uk> wrote:

On 22/09/17 15:18, Christoph Kerschbaumer wrote:
Hey Everyone,
within CSP2 workers used to be governed by the child-src directive [0]. CSP3 
introduces the worker-src directive [1] wich governs Workers, SharedWorkers as 
well as ServiceWorkers. Please note that the child-src directive has been 
deprecated within CSP3 in favor of worker-src as well as frame-src.
For backwards compatibility child-src will still be enforced for:
   * workers (if worker-src is not explicitly specified)
   * frames  (if frame-src is not explicitly specified)
We plan to ship the CSP directive worker-src within Firefox 58.

Do we have cross-browser (i.e. web-platform) tests for this feature?

Not yet. We just agreed with Chrome on the same fallback mechanism, see [1].
We are about to add mochitests for all the different fallback mechanisms though.

What's the reason for writing mochitests? It seems like this is something where we benefit from shared tests.
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