As one of the lonely few peers for our XBL implementation, I am thrilled
that this is finally happening. My deepest gratitude to everyone involved!


On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 3:06 PM, Dave Townsend <>

> Having not heard any show-stopping concerns with the plan we will start to
> proceed with it. In Q4 we intend to:
>     - Migrate a few bindings and update the plan based on what we learn
>     - Land XUL support for Custom Elements
>     - Create tooling to make converting bindings easier
>     - Begin a bug breakdown for individual bindings
>     You can follow this work at the meta bug 1397874. Bgrins has made a
> public blog post about our plans[1], please reach out to him if you’re
> interested in contributing.
> [1]
> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 10:47 AM Dave Townsend <>
> wrote:
> > For some time now we've been talking about moving away from XUL and XBL.
> > The browser architecture team has been hard at work figuring out how to
> > go about doing that and we're ready to share the first of our proposals
> > more widely. We have developed a plan to remove XBL from Firefox. It's
> been
> > through a successful design review with some of the key engineers and now
> > is the time for more comments if you have them. We're planning to start
> some
> > of the work this quarter with it really ramping up next quarter.
> >
> > Take a look at the plan
> > <
> text/0007-xbl-design-review-packet.html>
> > and let us know what you think. There are a couple of areas where we are
> > still investigating concerns:
> >
> > Performance is of key interest, so we're actively doing experiments to
> > validate that Custom Elements can be as performant as XBL
> > <>.
> > The plan relies on being able to use Custom Elements in XUL, so we're
> > working on getting a patch
> > <>for that landed
> > <>.
> > We have a list of <tree> elements in the product and we're evaluating
> what
> > the future is for them.
> >
> > Are there any other concerns that we're missing?
> >
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