On 11/2/17 12:54 PM, hoehn6...@gmail.com wrote:
note: Chrome 63 does support it in it early version already

I should note that this is slightly misleading. According to https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/blink-dev/2zPZt3watBk/M4qcI8wlBwAJ Chrome is doing an experiment, in which they will support this API in versions 63-65 only, as an origin trial, after which the experiment will end.

If someone likes to see a code snipped how it can be used with google's cardboard to 
detect the magnetic "button", I provided something at 

Right, as this post notes it's disabled by default unless you force-enable it or participate in the origin trial. I'm not sure why your mail was worded to make it sound like Chrome 63 shipped actual support....


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