On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 12:18 PM, Ben Kelly <bke...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> If one of these targets falls in your area, please try to find the time to
> write a small test as described above.  Also, please link it against the
> meta bug here:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1451787

Sorry to self-reply to an already long email, but...

Here are some hints to fix leaks in DOMEventTargetHelper (DETH) sub-classes:

1. Make sure you set the nsIGlobalObject owner by passing it to the DETH
constructor or by calling BindToOwner().
2. Override the DisconnectFromOwner() method to perform any cleanup.  This
is now consistently called when the window is doomed.

Failing to do (1) caused MediaQueryList to leak (bug 1450271).  We believe
failing to do (2) is causing the worker API to leak.

In the past code has had to use nsIObserver to listen for
inner-window-destroyed in order to do cleanup.  This was due to
DisconnectFromOwner() not always getting called consistently.  This should
now be fixed as of bug 1450266.  It should now be possible to replace these
old listeners with a simpler DisconnectFromOwner() override.
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