OK, sorry to not get this drafted until too close to the deadline to
be likely to get feedback, but here's what I currently have for
proposed comments that I'll submit on the charter.  (If you happen
to be able to get feedback to me in the next 3 hours, great...
otherwise feedback may still be useful for later followup


We'd like to see this charter change a bit.  That desire for change
comes out of our concern about the privacy implications of many of these
APIs.  Researchers have demonstrated that a number of these APIs can be
used for tracking users or for learning various other types of
information about what users are doing, and some of these have actually
been used for tracking web users.  See, for example, this pair of
articles about use of the battery status API for tracking:

The APIs proposed in this charter have varying amounts of privacy risk.
It is likely that some of them can be structured to provide a reasonable
amount of information with meaningful user consent, but some of them
cannot.  Therefore we'd like it to be more explicit in the charter that
concluding that a specification cannot be done in an appropriate way is
a possible success condition of the working group.  (The charter
currently mentions that "APIs that cannot be demonstrated to be
implementable securely within the default browser context will not be
released.", but this doesn't explicitly mention privacy and it doesn't
explicitly say that abandoning work is a desirable outcome if that's the
appropriate choice.)

The APIs that we're most concerned about in this regard are:
  Battery Status API
    See articles cited above; we previously unshipped support for this.
  Network Information API
    (I should have more details here, but don't.)
  DeviceOrientation Event specification
    (I should have more details here, but don't.)
  Proximity Sensor
  Ambient Light Sensor
  Orientation Sensor
    These sensors have the problem that web access at a high enough
    resolution to be useful for many of the use cases allows sites using
    the API to learn various sorts of information about the user that
    are hard to explain in a way to get good informed consent, such as
    where the user is, what sort of activities they're doing, what
    they're typing, what activities are happening nearby, etc.

    See, for example:

While it's useful to have a forum that is appropriate for discussion of
how to address these privacy issues, I don't think there is currently
consensus that it is appropriate to make these APIs part of the web
platform.  Normally I think that would suggest that the documents aren't
ready to be put on the Recommendation track; in this case things are
more awkward because many of them are already on the Recommendation
track.  (That said, it's not entirely clear to me whether AC review of a
charter is expected to represent consensus that a specification is
appropriate for the Web.)

Given that, it would be preferable to move some of these documents off
of the Recommendation track back to earlier stages of incubation until
there's a clearer path for addressing the privacy concerns with them.
If that isn't possible, the working group should at least be given the
explicit possible success criterion of choosing that particular
specifications are not viable, and should be tasked with building
broad consensus outside of the working group that the proposed APIs are
suitable for the web.

On Friday 2018-05-04 11:40 -0700, Kyle Machulis wrote:
> Filling in some of the gaps here:
> WakeLock API is still used on android, afaik so we don't let the phone turn
> off while playing media.
> We ship the Vibration API on android, have since FxOS. Not much happening
> there these days, other than some discussion about permissions around it.
> We still have battery code around Firefox, but the API isn't exposed to
> content. I think we're still trying to figure out whether to just
> completely remove it.
> DeviceOrientation is shipped everywhere, weirdly enough. There's a bug to
> fix that for platforms where we don't have info about it.
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1037982
> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 11:02 PM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl> wrote:
> > On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 2:07 AM, L. David Baron <dba...@dbaron.org> wrote:
> > > On the flip side, sensor APIs are offered by mobile (and to some
> > > degree desktop) operating systems and widely used by apps running on
> > > them, and there's clear demand for having them on the Web.  So I
> > > think it seems worth having a clear venue for that discussion, which
> > > would suggest that it's good to have the discussion in the scope of
> > > the working group.
> >
> > This is true for a number of APIs not offered by the web, many of
> > which don't have standardization efforts or a viable path to be
> > exposed (or were standardized and then dropped due to issues, e.g.,
> > batteries).
> >
> >
> > > I'm inclined to think that if we want to suggest changes to address
> > > this security/privacy issue, we should be suggesting clarifying the
> > > success criteria for the working group so that these issues are
> > > clearly considered, and making it more explicitly OK for the group
> > > to decide not to produce some of its deliverables.
> > >
> > > The final paragraph of section "1. Goals" already says a bit here,
> > > as does the third paragraph of "2.1 Success Criteria", but perhaps
> > > there's more to say, perhaps by making not producing a spec
> > > explicitly OK in both "2.1 Success Criteria" and "3. Deliverables"?
> > > And perhaps something in there should also explicitly mention the
> > > difficulty of properly informing the user in order to obtain
> > > informed consent for the real risks underlying the sensors, or
> > > something like that?
> > >
> > > Or do you instead think that some of the deliverables should be
> > > removed from the charter because they're not likely to succeed?  If
> > > so, which?
> >
> > I hadn't looked in detail yet, but they're doing quite a lot of APIs. Of
> > those
> >
> >   Generic Sensor API
> >   Geolocation Sensor
> >
> > might be the least controversial as its a new API for an existing
> > feature, but I have not looked in detail whether this is a straight
> > mapping or not. If Google's Layered APIs initiative
> > (https://github.com/drufball/layered-apis) is successful that might
> > also be a better way to go about things.
> >
> >   Wake Lock API
> >
> > We've explored this for FxOS. In terms of mozilla/standards-positions
> > I guess this would be non-harmful.
> >
> >   Battery Status API
> >
> > We've unshipped this: harmful.
> >
> >   Network Information API
> >
> > I'm pretty sure Mozillians have raised issues with this in the past
> > and we don't intend to ship it. I suspect harmful.
> >
> >   DeviceOrientation Event specification
> >
> > We ship this on Android I think, but per earlier dev-platform threads
> > we're not exactly happy with it.
> >
> >   Proximity Sensor
> >   Ambient Light Sensor
> >   Accelerometer
> >   Gyroscope
> >   Magnetometer
> >   Orientation Sensor
> >
> > These are the ones my initial comment was for. As I understand it the
> > proposed defense is to restrict these to foreground top-level browsing
> > contexts without user prompt. It's unclear to what extent they are
> > throttled. If they are throttled, they are less or not useful for
> > AR/VR. If they are not throttled, they are an interesting
> > fingerprinting vector. It's unclear to me how a standardization group
> > is going to help resolve that and I don't think we'd want them to make
> > that trade-off for us.
> >
> > There's also Vibration API and HTML Media Capture and I'm not sure
> > what the state of those is. Neither seems particularly problematic.
> >
> > Hope that helps,
> >
> >
> > --
> > https://annevankesteren.nl/
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> > dev-platform mailing list
> > dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org
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𝄞   L. David Baron                         http://dbaron.org/   𝄂
𝄢   Mozilla                          https://www.mozilla.org/   𝄂
             Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
             What I was walling in or walling out,
             And to whom I was like to give offense.
               - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

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