And Kris pointed out that we already had another huge thread on this:

Looks like there wasn't agreement on that one... But oh well, don't want to repeat a lot of that discussion.

I think the argument for consistency with the other systems language we have in-tree, the fact that it's not predominant (at least for enum classes) even though it is in the coding style, and that there wasn't agreement in the previous thread are good reasons for not enforcing it, but...

 -- Emilio

On 6/25/18 10:41 PM, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:
Our coding style states that we should use an `e` prefix for enum variants, that is:

   enum class Foo { eBar, eBaz };

We're not really consistent about it: looking at layout/, we mostly use CamelCase, though we do have some prefixed enums. Looking at other modules, enum classes almost never use it either. DOM bindings also don't use that prefix.

I think that with enum classes the usefulness of the prefix is less justified. Plus removing them would allow us to match the Rust coding style as well, which is nice IMO.

Would anybody object to making the prefix non-mandatory, removing that line from the coding style doc? Maybe only making it non-mandatory for enum classes?


  -- Emilio
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