If we can't agree, it shouldn't be in the style guide.

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 2:17 PM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> And perhaps good reason for removing it from the style guide? ;-)
> On 6/25/18 3:08 PM, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:
>> And Kris pointed out that we already had another huge thread on this:
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.platform/WAuySoTfq_w/-DggRotpBQAJ
>> Looks like there wasn't agreement on that one... But oh well, don't want
>> to repeat a lot of that discussion.
>> I think the argument for consistency with the other systems language we
>> have in-tree, the fact that it's not predominant (at least for enum
>> classes) even though it is in the coding style, and that there wasn't
>> agreement in the previous thread are good reasons for not enforcing it,
>> but...
>>  -- Emilio
>> On 6/25/18 10:41 PM, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote:
>>> Our coding style states that we should use an `e` prefix for enum
>>> variants, that is:
>>>    enum class Foo { eBar, eBaz };
>>> We're not really consistent about it: looking at layout/, we mostly
>>> use CamelCase, though we do have some prefixed enums. Looking at other
>>> modules, enum classes almost never use it either. DOM bindings also
>>> don't use that prefix.
>>> I think that with enum classes the usefulness of the prefix is less
>>> justified. Plus removing them would allow us to match the Rust coding
>>> style as well, which is nice IMO.
>>> Would anybody object to making the prefix non-mandatory, removing that
>>> line from the coding style doc? Maybe only making it non-mandatory for
>>> enum classes?
>>> Thanks,
>>>   -- Emilio
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