------ Original Message ------
From: "Dave Townsend" <dtowns...@mozilla.com>
To: "dev-platform" <dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org>; "Firefox Dev" <firefox-...@mozilla.org>
Sent: 2018-10-18 3:32:36 PM
Subject: Coming in Firefox 65: Dedicated Profiles Per Install and Profile Downgrade Protection

In Firefox 65 we intend to ship two new features to help prevent user frustration caused by using profiles created by newer versions of Firefox.

This has been a serious problem from a community participation perspective for a while now. Making it safe and easy to flip back and forth between versions of Firefox will make casual participation in testing and QA, among many other things, hugely easier and more accessible; I'm quite grateful that we're doing this work.

- mhoye
dev-platform mailing list

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