Hi, replying privately, because I want to expose some crazy idea I had a long time and this seems like a good opportunity.

I miss two things in bugzilla from the developer point of view:
- when I use it as a tool to look into the code's history (understand changes made in the past)
- and be able to quickly assess the state of a bug

I wanted to suggest (but never done that) to have specific fields (text areas) in the bug form for following information:
- explanation of the cause of the defect or rational for the bug
- overview explanation of the fix for the defect (why this way); don't interchange this with commit messages, this would be more of an overview explanation
- steps to reproduce the defect

and maybe things like:
- known workaround

Each with its own history, perhaps.  This allows one to quickly overlook status (e.g. when a field is empty it means "we don't know yet") and quickly understand the reason why the fix was made the way it was.

Right now one has to look for this in comments and its hard. Sometimes explanations are even missing and then we are stepping into darkness when we need to change something or simply understand some older code.

Having these fields would invite people to write these explanations and sometimes doing it may (from my own experience) even help to produce better patches.

That's it

Thanks :)

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