
As you know, bugzilla.mozilla.org <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/>has evolved to 
meet the needs of various projects, and the current bug detail page seems cluttered 
with so many fields. Making changes to a familiar UI may confuse some of you, but we 
feel like it’s time to get it improved for a more streamlined workflow. Here’s a 
brief summary of our plan:

Phase 1: Reorganized bug fields— The bug fields will soon be reorganized 
<https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1344091>to place similar fields in 
related groups. For example, the Dependencies, Regressions, URL and See Also fields will 
move to the new References section. See this screenshot 
<https://bug1344091.bmoattachments.org/attachment.cgi?id=9079798>for how the new bug 
detail page will look like.

Phase 2: Redesigned bug page— We’ll be introducing a 2-column layout 
<https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1330451>to make it easier to have 
a look at both bug fields and comments at the same time. The new design will also be 
optimized for mobile, so you can join a conversation comfortably on your phone!

Phase 3: Further UX enhancements— There are still many more things to do: 
simplifying the timeline, making it easier to edit bug ID and other complicated 
fields, and ultimately implementing real-time updates. Bugzilla will be pretty 
modernized at this point.

So don’t be surprised to one day see something different on your bug! Aside from regular 
BMO change logs being posted on the tools-bmo list 
<https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/tools-bmo>, we’ll keep you posted on this 
dev-platform list with any major change that may affect you. Wanna chat? Join the #bmo 
channel <https://mozilla.slack.com/messages/C5F7KFJ4R>on Mozilla Slack.


Kohei, for the Bugzilla team

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