Allow-From is a value that is currently only supported by Firefox and
Internet Explorer/Edge. With Edge moving to a Chromium source base this
will mean Firefox will be the only implementer of this part of the standard.

Chrome marked an issue to support allow-from as wont-fix:

Webkit also marked the bug as wont-fix around the same time frame-ancestors
was added to their browser:

In a draft version of the standard there was an AllAncestors flag that was
never added to the specification: this would
have permitted web servers to prevent framing across all of the ancestor
chain. The standard never made it clear if the whole ancestor chain should
be inspected and so implementations have varied.

Chrome and Firefox now(
implement this as the default for all X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN header
responses. However this same behaviour wasn’t added to Allow-From as Chrome
doesn’t implement the Allow-From value. This would cause Firefox to cause
breakage on sites that worked on Chrome for a limited advantage in security.

Because of the confusing implementation of how Allow-From is implemented in
contrast to SameOrigin, I think it makes sense to suggest that all
developers should be instead be using the Frame-Ancestors directive in CSP
which is a viable alternative that is consistently implemented across all
modern browsers.

Additionally this feature isn’t covered by cross browser web platform tests.

Currently Chrome issues a console warning for an X-Frame-Options header
that has the Allow-From keyword or anything it is unable to parse, this
patch will also implement the warning for developers. In the case of a
Allow-From Firefox will also fail open in the same manner, permitting
framing by any domain.

Work will be tracked in:
dev-platform mailing list

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