Can you elaborate on the execution context?  Are these more like "browser" mochitests or "plain" mochitests? ( Is the Thunderbird tabbed UI its own normal XUL window self, or is it framed inside some type of iframe that it's not normally framed by?


On 8/26/19 6:40 PM, Geoff Lankow wrote:

Over the past year or so, I've been adding mochitests for new Thunderbird features. It's recently occurred to me that in a mochitest, Thunderbird does not display mail messages. Not even the message header list, just a blank rectangle where the message should be.

Obviously this is quite important as displaying messages is Thunderbird's primary function. But I don't understand the reason.

I expect that it has something to do with message URLs, which are of the form mailbox:///path/to/mailbox?number=1234.

I know that mochitest does things to network access to prevent tests from accessing the internet, but that doesn't seem to be the reason as I can load the URL using fetch.

Is there some logic in docshell that behaves differently in a test? As far as I can work out, this code [1] is a part of the loading process, and if docShell->LoadURI fails that would explain why nothing further happens. (IANA core hacker, excuse my ignorance!)


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