In an effort to work more openly and foster cross-functional communication,
the Gecko Web Platform Product Team is going to make an effort to send out
bi-weekly updates covering the major component areas. These updates will be
very brief, please reach out if you have any questions.


   Accessibility [Asa Dotzler]

      Updated accessibility triage plan
      <> to account for new
      Bugzilla triage guidelines.

      Discussion of forced-color-adjust
      <> with heycam,
      jteh, and sean.

      MacOS a11y work
      progressing. Refactoring and basic VoiceOver support. Mac progress

      Experiment to switch to lazily turning a11y services on/off when
      using accessibility panel landed

   Layout [Martin Balfanz]

      Printing: Meeting with desktop team, clarifying on different work
      streams and decided next steps + owners

      Discussing SVG in Powerpoint
      <> issues.

   Graphics [Martin Balfanz]

      Jessie prepared a WebRender-until-end-of-year overview for Desktop

   Media [Adam Stevenson]

      Web Audio Worklets shipped in Firefox 76. Read about the technical
      details in our blog post

      Work continues to make improvements to WebRTC in Firefox, supporting
      work from home use cases.

         Transport-CC and RTX have landed in Firefox, two features
         requested by Jitsi and other services.

   DOM [Adam Stevenson]

      Google Sheets bug
      <> fix should be
      deployed now

   Workers and Storage [Adam Stevenson]

      Planned for Fx 78: Ship SharedArrayBuffer (and atomics) to Release

         I.e., globalThis.Atomics, WebAssembly.Memory({ shared:true, ...
         }), and with globalThis.SharedArrayBuffer returning undefined.

      Planning to enable Service Workers for ESR78

   JavaScript [Mike Conca]

      Program review of SmooshMonkey completed

      Hoping the new RegExp engine
      <> lands and
      sticks in 78 Nightly

   WebAssembly [Mike Conca]

      SIMD x86 support landing in 78 Nightly for baseline
      <> and Ion
      <> backends

      Multi-value <> is
      riding the trains to 78

   Networking [Mike Conca]

      Plan to start rollout SameSite=lax change in Beta 79

      Lots of progress on preload

Mike Conca
Group Product Manager, Firefox Web Technologies
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