Firefox Security & Privacy Newsletter 2020-Q1

Here comes our second edition of the Firefox Security & Privacy Newsletter.

The shareable link for this newsletter and the back issues is at This link also
promises readable and stable markup across transports ;-)

Note: Some of the bugs linked below might not be accessible to the general
public and are still restricted to specific work groups. We de-restrict
fixed security bugs after a grace-period
until the majority of our user population have received their updates. If a
link does not work for you, please accept this as a precaution for the
safety of all of our users.

Preventing tracking and online surveillance

The Anti-Tracking team shipped fingerprinting protections
as part of the Firefox 72 release. This is following a long period of
and fixing website breakage
<>, so it’s a big
milestone for the team.

Erica landed our initial implementation of purging tracking cookies
<> in Nightly. This
will enable ETP to better protect against so-called bounce trackers that
track users through first-party redirections.

The first pieces of dynamic first-party isolation
<> (DFPI) landed in
Nightly. DFPI is an experimental approach to isolating all third party
cookies and storage, similar to FPI (which is enabled by default in the Tor
Browser and is also supported by Firefox). The most important difference
between DFPI and FPI is that DFPI will adhere to exceptions granted through
the storage access API and thus ensure better web compatibility.

Se-Yeon implemented versioning
for our Shavar blocklists that power Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP),
Fingerprinting and Cryptomining protections.
Core Security

Securing/hardening the Firefox Platform

Freddy started enumerating flags and prefs that would dramatically reduce
Firefox security. We’re collecting and removing them one by one to kill
exploit chains that require just a single-byte overwrite in bug 1602485
<>. First patches have
already landed, kudos to volunteer Masatoshi Kimura [:emk] for his
excellent work!

This January, Security Researchers from Qihoo 360 ATA identified an active
attack against Firefox users. With their test case and great help from the
JavaScript team we could ship a security release as Firefox 72.0.1
<> on the
next day. Kudos to our Engineers, Release Managers and Security staff for
jumping on this issue so quickly!

We’ve also made some progress to hinder patch gapping. We know that
attackers frequently watch commit logs of popular open source software to
find vulnerabilities that have been fixed but not yet shipped to our end
users. Minimizing this gap has long since been part of our practices for
fixing security bugs in Firefox
To help leak data and metadata about security vulnerabilities, Tom has
implemented a hook for
<> that disallows
pushing patches for security bugs to Continuous Integration. Furthermore,
Bugzilla has also started hiding security bugs in dependency and regression
fields if a user does not have access (bug 1591549
<>), but more to come.

The Firefox site isolation project “Fission” is almost ready for testing in
Firefox Nightly. There are some known issues with mixed content blocking
<>, but you can enable
fission <> by
setting the prefs “fission.autostart” and “gfx.webrender.all” to true.

Bugs worth highlighting:

We removed a very, very old testing API called enablePrivilege
<>, that gave normal
web pages extra privileges beyond Web APIs. The API was used in exploit
chains and made attacks easier than they should have been.

Firefox is no longer going to use ShellExecuteByExplorer
<> when launching
executable files in the download folder, this helps protect against
attackers placing malicious DLLs in the same folder.

Folks from the JS team have disabled JIT optimizations for JavaScript in
Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC)
<> files as they are
currently run in the parent process.

Automated security testing, analysis and more

Christian Holler deployed ThreadSanitizer (TSan)
<> in our CI with
Mochitests and XPCShell Tests enabled
<>. This will prevent
new data races from being added to the code base. Existing races are
handled by an extensive suppression list and will be gradually fixed. TSan
has already found several security-related issues and otherwise hard to
diagnose correctness problems.

For another sanitizer, UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (UBSan), Tyson Smith has
enabled the ‘enum’ check in CI
<> to detect e.g. loads
of invalid values for a certain enum type.

The JavaScript engine is receiving more and more parser upgrades as new
syntax is being added (e.g. nullish coalescing
<>). In order to test
these changes more thoroughly, Christian has written an experimental
libFuzzer target for the JS parser, which has already found what looks like the
smallest security bug <>
on file so far.

The fuzzing team has also started to centralize fuzzing documentation
<>, stay tuned for
more coming soon!
Security Ecosystem

Security policy development and communicating security-related information
to interested parties (not end-users).

Tom has updated our Security Severity Ratings
<> page. Most notably,
critical is reserved for bugs that pose immediate danger to our users.
There is no longer a technical difference between critical and high bugs,
and we’ll use critical to emphasize risk for our users.

We have also separated ratings with clearer examples for our Web
<> and Client
<> products.

Freddy and Tom have launched the new Attack and Defense Blog
<>, a new outlet to talk about
the technical details of our work to a new audience of bug bounty hunters,
security researchers, engineers and technologists of all colors.

Mozilla joined the newly formed Privacy Community Group of the W3C
<> (Privacy CG), along with other major browser
vendors and industry representatives. In the CG we are discussing the
standardization and advancement of technologies that ensure privacy on the

Kathleen has been working hard to help Apple actively make use of the Common
CA Database (CCABD) <>. The CCADB is a repository of
information about Certificate Authorities (CAs), and their root and
intermediate certificates. It is used by a number of root store operators -
not only is this a resource that Mozilla can be proud of but it's also very
important for the security of the Web PKI.

Our Mozilla CA program has a new lead! We’re saying good-bye to Wayne
Thayer and are welcoming Ben Wilson to our group!
Firefox Security

Features, products and services to help users be more secure on the web

was rolled
out to all Firefox users in the US
with the initial set of trusted resolvers being Cloudflare and NextDNS.
This is an incredible milestone for the private and encrypted web and
credit to the tireless work of the team behind DoH in Firefox. In addition
to this, the team also rolled out a DoH performance study
<> to test the
real-word latency of different resolvers.

The folks working on Lockwise, the Firefox password manager, shipped an
incredible number of fixes and improvements in Q1, to name a few:


   Bianca added support for detecting password input fields
   <> using Fathom
   <>, a machine learning framework for
   meaningfully recognizing DOM elements on a page.

   Matthew made us support importing passwords
   <> and other profile
   data from the new Microsoft Edge.

   Jared enabled an additional prompt for OS account credentials
   <> before revealing
   passwords on about:logins. While this doesn’t change the general security
   considerations of storing passwords without a master password, it does
   provide an obstacle for local snoopers who don’t have the time or ability
   to craft a more targeted local attack.

   On mobile, we did a number of releases for the Android and iOS Apps for
   Lockwise, as well as better integration with the new upcoming Firefox
   Preview for Android.

The Crypto Engineering team shipped Intermediate Preloading
which mitigates some of the most common certificate errors by loading known
intermediate CAs ahead of time.

J.C. Jones wrote a series of blog posts introducing CRLite
another exciting innovation from our Crypto Engineering team. CRLite
provides a more efficient and private way to perform certificate revocation
checks. It is currently being tested in Nightly.

The Firefox 72 release shipped our restrictions against notification
permission spam
<>. You can
read more about our initial experiments
the restrictions in detail
and what this means for web developers

The Firefox Monitor <> team added a new feature
to their service: Breach Resolutions
<>, which allow you
to mark the breaches that you’ve dealt with as resolved and get some peace
of mind.

Paul removed nsContentblocker
<>, an old mechanism
for blocking literally any type of content that could be loaded through
Firefox. The content blocker had to check permissions before any network
request could happen, so it would show up in performance profiles, but
Telemetry showed that it was virtually unused.

Outreachy intern Kendall completed her intern project that adds Firefox
Sync support to the Multi-Account Containers add-on

Dana made Firefox stop offering to import CA certificates when browsed to
<>. This functionality
was kept around for a long time because of legacy reasons, but has always
been a considerable security risk. We’re happy to see it gone! To import
custom root certificates, you can still always use the certificate manager
in about:preferences.

Dana also made it so that Firefox can use client certificates provided by
the operating system on Windows and macOS, which will significantly benefit
our enterprise users! Her blog post
explains our approach and also gives tips on how to achieve the same thing
on Linux.

Julian landed the first version of our experimental HTTPS-Only Mode
<> in Nightly. It
currently works mostly under the hood, preventing insecure connections from
happening in Firefox, but additional improvements, such as UI integration
are in the works.
Web Security

Making websites more secure

It's the Boot for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1
We’re committed to improving security for all of our users by disabling
support for TLS1.0 and TLS 1.1. However, we have re-enabled TLS 1.0 and 1.1
in Firefox 74 and 75 Beta to better enable access to sites sharing critical
and important information during this time.

Firefox 74 shipped Feature Policy
which allows websites to prevent iframes from using advanced features
(mostly those that are otherwise restricted by web permissions). As part of
this we also shipped Permission Delegation, which enables sites to delegate
their own permissions to embedded iframes through Feature Policy. This was
originally proposed and implemented by the Chrome team
and we agree that this approach makes it much easier to build a
comprehensible permissions UI, so we’re happy to ship it in Gecko.

Kevin and Ben have been continuing our efforts to include verified
cryptographic primitives in NSS
This work ensures that our cryptographic libraries are free of common, and
at times subtle, crypto bugs. Most recently, ChaCha20, Poly1305 and
ChaCha20-Poly1305 for AVX2 have been integrated
<>. Kevin has also
updated our Delegated Credentials
implementation to match the most current Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) draft <>.
Interoperability testing with Cloudflare has gone well and this feature is
now enabled in Nightly. It will remain there until the Delegated
Credentials draft gets ratified by the IETF.

Sebastian and Christoph fixed a bug in our implementation of the
“X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff” header for page loads that do not provide
a MIME type. Starting from Firefox 75, we will respect 'nosniff' for Page

Chris landed our implementation of Fetch Metadata Request Headers
<> in Bug 1508292
<>, which is a W3C
working draft that gives websites additional context to protect themselves
against cross-site attacks.
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