On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 3:30 PM L. David Baron <dba...@dbaron.org> wrote:
> For quite a while, I've been posting reviews of proposed W3C
> charters and W3C Proposed Recommendations to this list, as part of
> being Mozilla's representative to the W3C Advisory Committee, which
> really means the person who expresses official Mozilla positions on
> things to W3C, and designates Mozilla representatives to working
> groups, who can then represent Mozilla in the discussions within
> working groups.
> I've just handed off the responsibility of being the Advisory
> Committee Representative to Tantek Çelik, so in the future you
> should expect to see those reviews coming from him rather than from
> me.

Thanks David. I expect to continue to reach out from time to time.

> (On a side note, it's also not clear to me that dev-platform is
> really the best way to have those discussions today; it's possible
> we should look for an alternative forum that lends itself a bit more
> to discussion.)

I'm not sure either, however for the moment I'll continue with posting
about charters & recommendations here until we figure out something

In addition, this is as good a time as any to ask anyone on this list
involved in standards at Mozilla to please take a look and make sure
you've listed yourself in the groups you're participating here:
(I've tried to maintain departures, LMK if you see something amiss and
I can take care of it).


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