On Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 3:01:23 PM UTC-7, L. David Baron wrote:
> On Friday 2020-05-29 12:50 -0700, Erik Nordin wrote:
> > Intent:
> > 
> > As of Nightly 79 (shipping in release 7/28) I intend to turn
> > backdrop-filter on by default for all systems on which WebRender is enabled.
> > 
> > Here is a list of systems and their current status with regard to shipping
> > WebRender:
> > 
> > https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/GFX/WebRender_Where
> ...
> > More Information:
> > 
> > The backdrop-filter pref will be set to true on all systems, but
> > backdrop-filter’s functionality will not be available unless WebRender is
> > also enabled and available.
> > 
> > Developers can check for backdrop-filter’s availability via CSS.supports()
> > or @supports. Developers can still explicitly turn off backdrop-filter by
> > disabling its pref in about:config.
> > 
> > If WebRender were to crash and become unavailable, backdrop-filter will
> > also become unavailable. Subsequent calls to CSS.supports() will reflect
> > this change, as will subsequent parses of CSS StyleSheets that use @supports
> > rules.
> > 
> > Note, however, that any backdrop-filter-related information that was
> > collected prior to this event may now be incorrect until the page is
> > refreshed.
> It's worth calling out here that shipping platform features for only
> some of our graphics backends is something new for us.  (It's
> possible we've done it in the past, but I'm not aware of us doing it
> *intentionally*.)
> It's also something that I think we shouldn't be doing, at least not
> without a clear and relatively short timeline for having the feature
> available across all graphics backends (whether by implementing it
> for more backends or by no longer shipping those backends).
> I think it's bad for the following reasons:
>   1. It makes the idea of targeting and testing on Firefox more
>   complicated for Web developers.  We're at risk of being ignored by
>   Web developers; being a more complicated and fragmented target
>   increases that risk, especially for the smaller fragment(s), and
>   also makes Web developers dislike us for creating more complexity
>   for them.
>   2. We risk creating Web compatibility problems for our own users.
>   While shipping the feature to some of our users will probably
>   reduce web compatibility problems for that subset of users, it
>   will also probably *increase* Web compatibility problems for the
>   remaining users, since many developers who *do* care about testing
>   on Firefox may produce content that's broken for those users.
> (I'd note that I've expressed this concern to Erik, Sean, and others
> in the past, but also encouraged them to send this intent because I
> think this should be a broader discussion.)
> -David
> -- 
> 𝄞   L. David Baron                        https://dbaron.org/   𝄂
> 𝄢   Mozilla                          https://www.mozilla.org/   𝄂
>              Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
>              What I was walling in or walling out,
>              And to whom I was like to give offense.
>                - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Thank you all for the feedback and clarifications. Based on Bobby's suggestion, 
I think that it would be reasonable to move forward using the 
EARLY_BETA_OR_EARLIER option, described here:


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