On 06/07/2020 17:50, Tom Ritter wrote:
Thank you for continuing to keep try syntax working. I know I'm
holding back progress by not spending the time to figure out how to
convert `./mach try -b do -p win32-mingwclang,win64-mingwclang -u all
-t none` to fuzzy  (maybe it's something like `./mach try fuzzy
"'mingwclang -talos"` ?).

AFAICT `mach try fuzzy -full -q mingwclang`

One of the nice things about `mach try fuzzy` is that without a `-q` argument you get a try-before-you-buy interface to select tasks. And you can save the query as a preset to use as e.g. `mach try --preset mingwclang`.
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