> On Sep 15, 2020, at 11:44 AM, Andrew Halberstadt <a...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 12:28 PM Andrew McCreight <amccrei...@mozilla.com>
> wrote:
>> I don't know that tests being an official requirement relieves the burden
> of guilt of asking for tests, as everybody already knows that tests are
> good and that you should always write tests
> I think this is largely true at Mozilla, but we all have our lapses from
> time to time. Thankfully since we all know this, a tiny nudge is all that
> we need.
>> Separately, one category of fixes I often deal with is fixing leaks or
> crashes in areas of the code I am unfamiliar with. I can often figure out
> the localized condition that causes the problem and correct that, but I
> don't really know anything about, say, service workers or networking to
> write a test. Do I need to hold off on landing until I can find somebody
> who is willing and able to write a test for me, or until I'm willing to
> invest the effort to become knowledgeable enough in an area of code I'm
> unlikely to ever look at again? Neither of those feel great to me.
> This sounds like an argument in favour of putting the burden of exceptions
> on the reviewer. Authors can submit without a test (ideally calling out
> it's because they don't know how) and then the reviewer can either:
> A) Explain how to add tests for said patch, or
> B) Knowing that writing a test would be difficult, grant them an exception

Or (C) the reviewer could write the test themselves and land it in a separate 
commit alongside the patch, marking the original patch as 

We definitely don't want to discourage writing drive-by / “good samaritan” 
patches where you are fixing a bug in an area outside of your normal work. This 
came up a few times in discussions and is one of the reasons I prefer 
reviewer-specified instead of author-specified exceptions.

> If a reviewer finds themselves explaining / granting exceptions often, it
> could be a signal that the test infrastructure in that area needs
> improvement.
> Btw I think your points are all valid, I guess we'll have to see how it
> turns out in practice. Hopefully we can adjust the process as needed based
> on what we learn from it.

For sure. I’m happy to discuss any specific pain points you run into with the 

> - Andrew
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 12:28 PM Andrew McCreight <amccrei...@mozilla.com>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 8:03 AM Brian Grinstead <bgrinst...@mozilla.com>
>> wrote:
>>> (This is a crosspost from firefox-dev)
>>> Hi all,
>>> We’re rolling out a change to the review process to put more focus on
>>> automated testing. This will affect you if you review code that lands in
>>> mozilla-central.
>>> ## TLDR
>>> Reviewers will now need to add a testing Project Tag in Phabricator when
>>> Accepting a revision. This can be done with the “Add Action” → “Change
>>> Project Tags” UI in Phabricator. There's a screenshot of this UI at
>>> https://groups.google.com/g/firefox-dev/c/IlHNKOKknwU/m/zl6cOlT2AgAJ.
>> I of course think having more tests is a good thing, but I don't like how
>> this specific process places all of the burden of understanding and
>> documenting some taxonomy of exceptions on the reviewer. Reviewing is
>> already a fairly thankless and time consuming task. It seems like the way
>> this is set up is due to the specifics of our how reviewing process is
>> implemented, so maybe there's no way around it.
>> Also, contrary to what ahal said, I don't know that tests being an official
>> requirement relieves the burden of guilt of asking for tests, as everybody
>> already knows that tests are good and that you should always write tests.
>> The situation is different from the linters, as the linters will fix almost
>> all issues automatically, so asking somebody to fix linter issues isn't
>> much of a burden at all. I guess it is impossible to make testing better
>> without somebody directly pressuring somebody, though.
>> My perspective might be a little distorted as I think a lot of the patches
>> I write would fall under the exceptions, either because they are
>> refactoring, or I am fixing a crash or security issue based on just a stack
>> trace.
>> Separately, one category of fixes I often deal with is fixing leaks or
>> crashes in areas of the code I am unfamiliar with. I can often figure out
>> the localized condition that causes the problem and correct that, but I
>> don't really know anything about, say, service workers or networking to
>> write a test. Do I need to hold off on landing until I can find somebody
>> who is willing and able to write a test for me, or until I'm willing to
>> invest the effort to become knowledgeable enough in an area of code I'm
>> unlikely to ever look at again? Neither of those feel great to me.
>> Another testing difficulty I've hit a few times this year (bug 1659013 and
>> bug 1607703) are crashes that happen when starting Firefox with unusual
>> command line or environment options. I think we only have one testing
>> framework that can test those kinds of conditions, and it seemed like it
>> was in the process of being deprecated. I had trouble finding somebody who
>> understood it, and I didn't want to spend more than a few hours trying to
>> figure it out for myself, so I landed it without testing. To be clear, I
>> could reproduce at least one of those crashes locally, but I wasn't sure
>> how to write a test to create those conditions. Under this new policy, how
>> do we handle fixing issues where there is not always a good testing
>> framework already? Writing a test is hopefully not too much of a burden,
>> but obviously having to develop and maintain a new testing framework could
>> be a good deal of work.
>> Anyways those are some disjointed thoughts based on my experience
>> developing Firefox that probably don't have good answers.
>> Andrew
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