On Thursday 23 October 2014 14:30:59 John Nagle wrote:
> On 10/23/2014 02:00 PM, Richard Barnes wrote:
> illa and the CA/Browser Forum.
> > And I suspect it is related to this:
> > http://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-universal-ssl/
>     You're probably right.  What Cloudflare provides by default is
> "Flexible SSL", in which Cloudflare acts as a MITM:
> "For a site that did not have SSL before, we will default to our
> Flexible SSL mode, which means traffic from browsers to CloudFlare will
> be encrypted, but traffic from CloudFlare to a site's origin server will
> not."
>    It's a form of security theater.  Just enough to turn on the lock
> icon.

To use Cloudflare you need to transfer the domain to Cloudflare. So it's 
hardly a MITM. It's a forward proxy service.

And while it doesn't tell you if the servers themselves are securely 
configured, it does help against skriptkiddies riding on your local coffee 
shop wifi.
Hubert Kario
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