Hi Erwann,

Thanks for your review. You raise some valid points.

It is clear that the SAN should only contain a dNSName or iPAddress. We will 
alter the test certificates accordingly ASAP.

The OCSP concerns are under investigation. We will share the results as they 
become available.


Kind regards,

Douglas Skirving
Chain Administrator PKIoverheid
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: dev-security-policy 
 Namens Erwann Abalea
Verzonden: woensdag 29 oktober 2014 23:19
Aan: mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org
Onderwerp: Re: Staat der Nederlanden Root Renewal Request

Le jeudi 23 octobre 2014 20:51:40 UTC+2, Kathleen Wilson a écrit :
> Staat der Nederlanden has applied to include the "Staat der
> Nederlanden Root CA - G3" and "Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA" root
> certificates; turn on the Websites and Email trust bits for the "Staat
> der Nederlanden Root CA - G3" root; turn on the Websites trust bit for
> the "Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA"; and enable EV treatment for
> the "Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA" root. The "Staat der Nederlanden Root 
> CA - G3"
> root will eventually replace the first and second generations of this
> root that were included via Bugzilla Bug #243424 and Bug #436056.

> * EV Policy OID: 2.16.528.1.1003.1.2.7
> * Root Cert URLs
> http://cert.pkioverheid.nl/RootCA-G3.cer
> http://cert.pkioverheid.nl/EVRootCA.cer
> * Test Websites
> https://roottest-g3.pkioverheid.nl

The subscriber certificate has a UPN entry type in the SAN extension. This is 
not accepted under BR (see 9.2.1, "[...] Each entry MUST be either a dNSName 
containing the Fully-Qualified Domain Name or an iPAddress containing the IP 
address of a server. [...]").

> https://pkioevssl-v.quovadisglobal.com/

This subscriber certificate has also a UPN entry in the SAN.

> * CRL
> http://crl.pkioverheid.nl/RootLatestCRL-G3.crl
> http://crl.pkioverheid.nl/DomOrganisatieServicesLatestCRL-G3.crl
> http://crl.pkioverheid.nl/DomOrganisatiePersoonLatestCRL-G3.crl
> http://crl.pkioverheid.nl/DomBurgerLatestCRL-G3.crl
> http://crl.pkioverheid.nl/DomAutonomeApparatenLatestCRL-G3.crl
> http://cert.managedpki.com/crl/KPNCorporateMarketCSPOrganisatieServicesCAG3/LatestCRL.crl
> http://crl.pkioverheid.nl/EVRootLatestCRL.crl
> http://crl.pkioverheid.nl/EVIntermediairLatestCRL.crl
> http://crl.quovadisglobal.com/pkioevca.crl
> * OCSP
> http://rootocsp-g3.pkioverheid.nl
> http://domorganisatieservicesocsp-g3.pkioverheid.nl
> http://ocsp3.managedpki.com
> http://evrootocsp.pkioverheid.nl
> http://ocsp.pkioverheid.nl
> http://ocsp.quovadisglobal.com

OCSP services are OK, but:
 - the ones hosted at *.pkioverheid.nl return a response bigger than necessary 
(the whole certificate chain including the root)
 - the one at ocsp.quovadisglobal.com returns wrongly formatted "Expires" and 
"Last-Modified" HTTP headers (see RFC2616 3.3.1)
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