This is a suggestion for stricter rules regarding the creation of
intermediate CA certificates that are issued by root CA certificates
included in the Mozilla CA list.

Every CA organization should be ultimately responsible that the
intermediate CA certificates they create will never be used in a MITM

If an intermediate CA certificate controlled by the CA, or controlled by
a subordinate entity of the CA, is used in a MITM device, or used to
mis-issue a certificate, the discovery of an unrevoked mis-issued
certificate will result in the immediate removal of the respective root
CA certificate.

If a CA provides an intermediate CA certificate to an external
organization, then the intermediate CA certificate must contain a name
constraint extension, which restricts the abilities of the intermediate.

The constraint must either limit the intermediate to
(a) a set of second level domains the external organization controls.
(b) to exactly one TLD

The discovery of any unconstrained and unrevoked intermediate CA
certificate that isn't controlled by the root CA organization results in
the immediate removal of the root CA from the Mozilla CA list.

If the CA issues an intermediate CA that is constrained to a TLD, then
the primary CA is fully responsible for the actions of the external
organization, including deliberate and accidental misuse of the
intermediate. A misuse of the intermediate, or a misuse of any
subordinate certificate, is the full responsibility of the primary CA.

Because of the potential consequences of a misuse of an intermediate for
the primary CA, it is recommeded that a CA shall be very careful when
handing out an intermediate to an external organization, such as
enclosing the intermediate's key in an HSM, and requiring a contract
with the external organization, which would cover the monetary risk of
closing down the business of the primary CA.

The discovery of any misuse of where the primary CA has the full
reponsiblity shall result in the immediate removal of the CA from the
Mozilla list.



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