
As many of you know, we've been working to customize Salesforce to create a CA Community that enables CAs to directly provide the data for all of the publicly disclosed and audited subordinate CAs chaining up to root certificates in Mozilla's program, and to also directly provide data about their revoked intermediate certificates.

This project is still in the early-adopter phase. Eventually, a Primary Point of Contact for each included CA will be given a Salesforce CA Community license, so that each of the CAs in Mozilla's program can input, access, and update their intermediate certificate data directly in SalesForce.

Instructions for the CA Community in Salesforce are here:

I would greatly appreciate it if one or two more included CAs will volunteer to be early adopters of the CA Community in Salesforce. The customizations resulting from the first early adopters were sufficient enough to warrant another CA or two trying it out before I open it up to all included CAs. Please send me email if you are willing/able to try entering some intermediate certificates into Salesforce and provide feedback to me in November.

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