The next two topics to discuss [1] have to do with section 8 of Mozilla’s CA Certificate Maintenance Policy.

The proposals are:
- (D15) Deprecate SHA-1 Hash Algorithms in certs.
- (D4) In item #8 of the Maintenance Policy recommend that CAs avoid SHA-512 and P-521, especially in their CA certificates. This is to ensure interoperability, as SHA-512 and (especially) P-521 are less well-supported than the other algorithms. (Note: On the page you linked to, P-521 is incorrectly spelled "P-512".)
-- Not sure if we should make this change...

Bug was filed to remove support for certs signed using SHA-512-based signatures, but it was closed as invalid, and SHA-512 support was fixed via

Bug was filed to remove support for certs that use the P-521 curve. But this is still up for discussion.

So, do we really want to add a comment to Mozilla's policy about limited support for SHA-512 and P-521?

Here's what Mozilla's policy currently says:
8. We consider the following algorithms and key sizes to be acceptable and supported in Mozilla products: - SHA-1 (until a practical collision attack against SHA-1 certificates is imminent);
- SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512;
- Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (using ANSI X9.62) over SECG and NIST named curves P-256, P-384, and P-512;
- RSA 2048 bits or higher; and
- RSA 1024 bits (only until December 31, 2013).

I recommend that we change it to the following:
8. We consider the following algorithms and key sizes to be acceptable and supported in Mozilla products:
- SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512;
- Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (using ANSI X9.62) over SECG and NIST named curves P-256, P-384, and P-521; and
- RSA 2048 bits or higher.

Another option is to delete this section from Mozilla's policy, because it is covered by the Baseline Requirements. However, the Baseline Requirements allows for DSA, which Mozilla does not support.
The “Key Sizes” section of the Baseline Requirements allows for:
SHA‐256, SHA‐384 or SHA‐512
NIST P‐256, P‐384, or P‐521
DSA L= 2048, N= 224 or L= 2048, N= 256

As always, I will appreciate your thoughtful and constructive input into this discussion.


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