I checked your list that the excel list number are: 6653 -- 6662, 29830 --  
29841, 30434 -- 30437, they are all Client certificates without serverAuth 
EKU, but listed, please check it, thanks.

The attached certificate is No. 6653, please check its EKU, thanks.

Best Regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Bowen [mailto:pzbo...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 12:33 AM
To: Richard Wang <rich...@wosign.com>
Cc: Rob Stradling <rob.stradl...@comodo.com>; Peter Gutmann 
<pgut...@cs.auckland.ac.nz>; mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org
Subject: Re: [FORGED] Name issues in public certificates

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 6:12 AM, Richard Wang <rich...@wosign.com> wrote:
> I also found some mistakes for the list:
> 1. I see some client certificate in the report that it say the email
> as common name is wrong;

I filtered for certificates that includes the serverAuth EKU or do not include 
any EKUs.  Can you provide an example of a clientAuth certificate that was 
incorrectly included?

> 2. IP address is allowed by BR;

IP addresses are only allowed in the commonName or as IPAddress type in the 
SAN extension.  If the rule is _ipv4_not_allowed_here, then that means that an 
IP address was included in a SAN as a DNS Name, which is disallowed. I will 
also fix the IP check to differentiate between reserved IPs (as defined in the 
BRs) and special purpose IPs (which are allowed if not reserved).  The BRs do 
not clearly state that,, and other special 
purpose IPs are disallowed.

> 3. IDN is allowed, but also in the report

See my note to Rob; I'm fixing that.  I misread RFC 5280 section 7.2.


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