Peter Bowen <> wrote:

> 2) For commonName attributes in subject DNs, clarify that they can only
> contain:
- IPv4 address in dotted-decimal notation (specified as IPv4address
> from section 3.2.2 of RFC 3986)
> - IPv6 address in coloned-hexadecimal notation (specified as
> IPv6address from section 3.2.2 of RFC 3986)
> - Fully Qualified Domain Name or Wildcard Domain Name in the
> "preferred name syntax" (specified by Section 3.5 of RFC1034 and as
> modified by Section 2.1 of RFC1123)
> - Fully Qualified Domain Name or Wildcard Domain Name in containing
> u-labels (as specified in RFC 5890)

> 3) Forbid commonName attributes in subject DNs from containing a Fully
> Qualified Domain Name or Wildcard Domain Name that contains both one
> or more u-labels and one or more a-labels (as specified in RFC 5890).

I don't think these rules are necessary, because CAs are already required
to encode all this information in the SAN, and if there is a SAN with a
dNSName and/or iPAddress the browser is required to ignore the subject CNs.
That is, if the certificate a SAN with a dNSName and/or iPAddress entry,
then it doesn't really matter how the CN is encoded as long as it isn't

> If the Forum decides to allow an exception to RFC 5280 to permit IP
> address strings in dNSName general names, then require the same format
> as allowed for common names.

That should not be done. As I mentioned in my other reply in this thread,
Ryan Sleevi already described a workaround that seems to work very well:
Encode the IP addresses in the SubjectAltName as iPAddress entries, and
then also encode them as (normalized) ASCII dotted/colon-separated text in
the subject CN, using more than one subject CN if there is more than one IP

By the way, I believe that mozilla::pkix will reject all the invalid names
that you found, except it accepts "_" in dNSNames. If you found some names
that mozilla::pkix accepts that you think are invalid, I would love to hear
about that.

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