On 12/14/15 17:56, Eli Spitzer wrote:
> The SubCA "Comsign Ev SSL CA" is at its initial development stages. It was
> indeed created under "Comsign Global Root CA", but so far we only issued a
> handful of test certificates from it. We have no plans to issue public
> certificates from it at the moment, since the EV trust bit will not be active
> any time soon.

Mozilla's policy requires subCAs to be publicly disclosed "before any []
subordinate CA is allowed to issue certificates." How was this performed for
this subCA?

> censys.io probably picked up the certificate from a test website that is used
> only for development purposes.
> Comsign is not requesting the EV trust bit at the moment, but we are planning
> to so sometime in the near future. Probably not before the end of 2016.
> Eli Spitzer | Information security & System Management | Comda

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