On Thursday, 30 June 2016 09:29:15 UTC+1, Rob Stradling  wrote:
> The cross-certificate issued by Symantec to "Federal Bridge CA 2013" 
> (https://crt.sh/?id=12638543) expires in 1 month.  I'm wondering if 
> there's any point in revoking this intermediate or the two other 
> intermediates that Peter mentioned.

Have we seen _anything_ from Symantec, even informally to say they intend for 
this to expire and not be replaced ?

Historically the experience has been that CAs are very happy to pretend they 
didn't even realise there was a problem right up until trust stores threaten to 
remove their roots and then they suddenly remember that they'd been intending 
to voluntarily comply very soon and just forgot to mention it.

So if we don't have a promise from Symantec that they won't renew this, it 
makes sense to assume they will and for Mozilla to behave accordingly.
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