As we might have expected, following Symantec's goof last week, they have now 
initiated a formal application on behalf of TSYS

I haven't been able to find the "version 1.1" process referred to in that post, 
version 1.0 was proposed by Andrew Whalley of Google back in June. Unless 
version 1.1 changes things significantly, the purpose of publishing the 
to-be-signed certificates (tbsCertificates) is to obtain feedback on their 
contents, so that the risk being taken is understood in advance of signing.

These appear to be essentially the same identities as for the mis-issued 
certificates from the earlier thread. They are in most respects other than the 
use of SHA-1 unremarkable (it seems to me -- I encourage others, particularly 
those with a lot of ASN.1 knowledge, to inspect for themselves) but one thing 
stands out to me

All of the certificate subjects have either TDS-2-Ashburn-SCA-bbL6gMDyTZU8 or
TDS-2-Dallas-SCA-v2PmB4cxayEu as the OU

The trailing part of each name appears to be gibberish. It seems very unlikely 
to me that there really is a "business unit" or "department" or even a meeting 
room at TSYS named bbL6gMDyTZU8. So presumably this value serves some other 

IF prior SHA-1 certificates for TSYS FQDNs also had this unusual characteristic 
it might be less surprising (though I would still wonder what it was for) but 
looking back in I can't see such gibberish in older certificates for 

e.g. this one, issued in 2015 and expired earlier this year has the 
unremarkable OU = TDS-NewYork

Does anyone know already of an explanation for the gibberish OU values in the 
to-be-signed certificates disclosed in this application ? If not, I believe 
that Mozilla should ask TSYS to explain these values or, if they cannot be 
justified, that it should request the application start fresh with a subject DN 
that matches one issued _prior_ to the 2016 moratorium as a show of good faith.
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